Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Official 'I Will Update More Often' Post

I know that I've not written in a long time, and let us be honest, the last couple of entries were a bit of a cop out - with more input from the genius of Ms Amanda Fucking Palmer than from me.

Well, this is the official 'I promise I will update more often' post. With pictures.

The things that have happened since I last posted...
-I dropped out of Nursing.
-I picked up psychology.
-I moved into a large pink house that makes me think of walking into a giant vagina every time I come home.
-I went to Canberra for Queer Collaborations'09.
-I bought furniture and tickets to fly to the States (16th October)
-I now have a 1 year old nephew who is walking.

There are other things that have happened, or that I have done. I can't really think of them now.

The thing that I want to elaborate on is my time at Queer Collaborations'09. I arrived feeling quite old and cynical, after all I am 35 years old (everyone else there seemed to still be in their early 20's) and I've been involved in the queer community for "Years and years."

And then I realised that I shouldn't be so cynical because I learnt more in the first day of QC'09 than I had in the "Years and years" that I thought I'd spent involved in the queer community. I realised that I hadn't really spent time in the queer community, but just with a bunch of friends who happened to be gay and knew about as much as I did - which was squat.

Since getting back to Bathurst from Canberra I've been doing a lot of work through the Queer Collective at CSU and some of it with the SRC (who can be helpful at times, when certain people let their egos down and actually listen to what is being said.) One of the great things that we have organised is Queer Week which starts on Monday and looks like it is going to be fabulous.

I know I promised pictures, ut instead I'll give you all a couple of links.

Firstly, Ms Amanda Fucking Palmer...
<a href="">I Will Follow You into the Dark by Amanda Palmer</a>